
The Silence Is Deafening



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
04-22-2018, 07:35 PM
Malleus carefully picked his way through the cathedral with a water filled turtle shell clutched in his jaws. To keep it level he had to keep his head down, and with the turtle shell blocking his view of the ground in front of him, his toes seemed to find every loose rock and branch the cathedral had to offer. He was working on a tisane to combat infection in open wounds, but it doubled as an anti inflammatory. Something he might need for his toes before everything was said and done.

In hindsight perhaps he should have tried this little experiment closer to the creek, but it was too late now. It would be more trouble to turn around and shuffle back the way he'd come.

Malleus saw something move out of the corner of his eye, but couldn't tilt his head far enough to see what it was. He paused and gingerly shuffled around - careful not to slosh the turtle shell - so he could look in that direction without moving his head too much. He wanted to get into the habit of regularly engaging his packmates so if it was one of the Abraxas he'd spied and not one of the prey creatures who called this place home, he wanted to say hello.

Kasdeya. He wasn't that familiar with the woman, but he knew her to be his aunt. That was the extent of his knowledge and he needed to fix it. Carefully he set the turtle shell down and then pinned it between his forelegs so it wouldn't tip over. Then, his expression bright, he straightened and smiled at Kasdeya. "Ah, Kasdeya! Beautiful day, isn't it?"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.