
Fastened with String and Bubblegum



10 Years
04-22-2018, 07:44 PM
How exactly summer had passed her by so quickly, Ara really didn't know. It seemed as the years went on that the days and weeks and even the months all sort of blurred together - looking back on the last few years of her life seemed uncannily like looking at a reflection in the surface of a lake or pond. Her recent past felt little more than a barely-recognizable semblance of reality, oddly detached from her every-day self, though Ara tried not to dwell on this too much. Instead, she spent most of her time consumed with her day to day life - and right now, since winter was just around the corner, she was concerned with building up her stores of herbs before the cool season set in.

The elder female had been to Firefly Lake many times. It was a good place to collect herbs, so it wasn't surprising that she caught the scent of another wolf as she padded toward the lakeside. What was surprising, though, was what he was doing - it wasn't often she saw a wolf so carefully digging at the roots of a plant, and her interest was immediately piqued. From a distance she didn't recognize the herb, but as she drew a bit closer and sniffed at the air she decided it was something called ginseng. A rare plant, and one she hadn't seen for some time. While another wolf might be envious that he'd found it before her, she would make no effort to coerce it from him. Instead, she simply watched, her soft blue gaze curious. "Planning on planting that at home?" Ara inquired gently - not knowing where his home was, but figuring if he was digging at the roots so gingerly that he must have plans to keep the thing intact for one reason or another.