
Wash the Worries Away



2 Years
04-24-2018, 06:14 AM

Tauriel considered herself to be a friendly wolf. One who enjoyed the company of others. She had always immersed herself around her siblings and their friends, as a pup; she would always be off on a new adventure; accompanied by someone. But now life had dealt her the short straw. Traveling alone had left her lonely. Wishing and craving for companionship. Although she had wanted to do this journey alone, there was part of her that wished she had stayed... but how could she? When the mountains whispered her name and nature beckoned her?

Yet this male that stood before her seemed as equally friendly, waving his tale in response to her greeting. A small sense of relief washed over her, yet she would still remain alert; though some wolves came across as friendly, who knew what would lie beneath?

"Just coming out here for a bit of a calm distraction. And you, what pulled you to the shores? His response was short, but welcome nonetheless. A small smile remained upon her tri-toned maw. Her pale gaze shifted momentarily to the crashing waves beside them.

"I see. Well, curiosity, for the most part."
Tauriel began, flickering her ears momentarily. She did not want to reveal why she was here... but she had to give some form of context. So her gaze found his dark red eyes once more.

"I've recently traveled far from home... I arrived in Auster and heard of Boreas. I guess you could say that i'm weighing my options. "
A small chuckle rumbled from her jaws. A small pause and curiosity perked to ask more about his home.
"What's it like? Your pack?"
She did not know life outside Azeroth. Were they all ruled by mighty Kings and Queens? Or perhaps things were different out here, after all both lands felt completely different to the ones she once knew.

"I'm Frostbite Wreckage," He finally offered his name, Tauriel's ears perked forwards and a softer expression adorned her features.

"Tauriel O'Sidrian."
Responding with a wider smile.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Frostbite."
Tasting the name upon her tongue; she now had a name to put to a memorable face.