
Ardent's Future



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
04-24-2018, 11:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2018, 11:42 PM by Dragon.)
1. I am 100% all for site wide events. I really loved the plague and epidemic events and i think there should be more like that. Also, maybe we could have players volunteer whatever chars of theirs they want and a randomizer or something could determine who's affected out of that list and would be required to play out what affects them? I have no problem just throwing all my chars into something like that, makes for more drama/development and things like that. I also think we should maybe have more natural disaster type events or something that would force packs/characters to work together or against each other. Like a huge fire sweeping through the lands started by lightning or something idk. Packs and/or loners would need to work together or against each other (ie raiding for supplies/water/food if other surrounding lands are burned to a crisp/driving off prey to farther locations or packlands)for survival.

2. I do like the idea of navigators finding new and hidden lands if they're a high enough skill level. What about chars with other skills though? Navigators and healers are pretty much covered here, but i'm sure we could come up with something for the other skills as well. I agree with Iko's suggestions on healing/navigating. If you're a certain level, then the herbs you are allowed to collect should be dependent on that. Like experts being able to collect the rare herbs, whereas a novice/beginner shouldn't be able to let alone have that knowledge (unless someone taught them about it), but still, higher skilled characters should get the benefits of finding the rarer herbs. It makes sense to me, at least. Or at least implement a dice roll or something to see if lower level characters are even successful in finding/collecting that herb y'know?

I do very much like the idea of the site having a video game feel. I'm a gamer myself as are most of us, so I am all for it. I am also in favor of having herb inventory, and I also think food inventory should be a thing. If not for everyone then I think it should be implemented for packs. I feel it would get people to work together more and actually post more to pack hunts and such since I notice a lot of pack hunts either don't get responses or the turn out they should be getting. And more often than not, they're never completed.

It would also encourage players/characters to trade with others. Like if a beginner/novice needs a rarer herb then they need to trade with a higher level character who would have that item. Otherwise they're outta luck :P

As for quests, yes please! 100% bring them in we need this! I think it would be fun to do! There could be a mix of prizes, if not gems then maybe items or possibly even donation items for those who can't afford to donate. Depending on the difficulty of the quest, of course. And if not items from the gemstore then maybe reward characters with inventory stuff (Ex. intermediate healer would get rewarded with a rare herb or two) or something like that.

3. Specializations need to be a thing. 100%. I miss the duties that we had back on EOP, those were always pretty nifty and i liked the bonuses they gave (the only one i clearly remember is defender and whatever ones pertained to fighting) but I remember sweetheart, fisher, daredevil, etc. I think those should come back, it not only gave perks/bonuses but they also kinda gave an idea of certain character personalities??

4. I am just gonna go ahead and say both of tea's ideas on this are great XD

Maims should be separated by severity, and I think dice rolls should be used on the simpler stuff like regular spars/minor maim fights/ dominance fights, and maaaaybe claims?? But for major maims and everything else, idk about the dice rolls on those.

I am also in favor of the battle armor/battle accessories. It would be interesting and would encourage players to craft those items to see how well they did or didn't work. I mean, I'm just gonna agree with all that tea put down at this point XD it's a lot to go through at this point lol. I also agree with Iko on her ideas because everything I've thought up pretty much is in everyone else's mind too apparently.

4. I reeeaaalllyyy want to see something implemented for hunts. Dice rolls to determine if a hunt is successful or not. IRL even animals aren't always guaranteed to bring down their prey. Especially if it's a few or one going up against something that could hurt them back or even environmental factors. Someone could twist a paw or fall in a hole or something. As mentioned before, I think food stores/inventory should be a thing for packs at least. with a spoilage system (could also be implemented for herbs) but again, maybe mainly for packs. Unless a loner has a bag or something to store that stuff then I don't see their food/herbs lasting very long.

5. I would also like to see environment play a role in fights. like if a character says its raining in the post but nobody acknowledged the frickin mud that could end up making them slip and stuff. OR maybe before the actual fight starts, a judge or staff or whatever could determine what type of environment (like if it's raining, slippery, rocks everywhere, etc) and players gotta work that in to their posts. Or not, idk. I just think realistically, if its raining or snowing, someone's gonna lose their footing and fall on their ass.

6. Trading system. I very much liked the idea that Fox had cooked up and it would be neat to see that implemented.

Overall this would all be trial and error. We test it out, tweak it, if it doesn't work fix it or toss it out. Everything has flaws but that's why we test it out. I'm willing to throw my chars in all this and/or test it out with my own pack at some point.

I also realize my shit is probably all over the place, and I apologize. wasn't easy trying to focus on this with a toddler constantly bothering me X'D
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.