
The Last Night



9 Years
Dragon Mod
04-25-2018, 02:35 AM
She watched in horror as her uncle tried to get the cougars attention. And once he did, she cowered against the wall as the two fought. All she could hear was the hideous growling and snarling from both wolf and cougar. The air began to smell thick with blood, fur flew everywhere. Crimson gaze could only watch for so long as he uncle got torn up, so she closed them. She hated feeling so useless. But if she had tried to fight the beast, she was sure she would have gotten killed.

It felt like their fight was going on forever, and when she finally heard the cougars screech followed by silence, she opened her eyes.

Her uncle stood outside, bloodied and torn. She could smell the heavy scent of blood, and her heart sank. Immediately she rushed to meet him just as he started to collapse, and carefully she helped him to the ground. Panic rose in her chest as she looked at him. Listened to him trying to speak. It seemed he wouldn't be dying of old age..."Shh, d-don't speak!" She uttered, voice cracking as she tried to figure out what to do. Quickly looking over his wounds, her heart broke when she saw how bad they were. "D-don't fall asleep! I n-need to get you m-medicine!" She got up and rushed towards her herbs, grabbing the whole little pile she had and placing them at her side.

Pulling out everything she had, she attempted to cover his wounds with lambs ear and cobwebs, but no matter what she did, the wounds kept bleeding. They were too deep. But her mind wouldn't allow her to acknowledge that.

Abandoning the makeshift bandages, she pulled out the pitifully small collection of wintergreen that she had. But before she could do anything with it, she felt a paw touch her own. "U-uncle?"

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