
Dusk and Fireflies [Eren]


07-06-2013, 03:44 PM

Flint blinked as she realized that this young wolf was also staring longingly at the bison before them. Flint glared at the large sacks of meat below them, milling about, taunting them. She forced herself to tear back into focus as Eren began to talk once more. Damn, she thought. Can't help her with that. I'm awful with plants, they all look the same to me. She would have said as much but the female continued on. Her offer for a true hunt was deeply tempting and Flint licked her lips despite herself. To taste fresh meat after the hunt once more... Even the thought was sweet enough to make her paws itch. She stretched her forelimbs out in front of her and said, A hunt? Very tempting. You have the aura of a hunter too, it wold be fun to run with you." She rolled her shoulders, never overly eager to jump into anything, even a hunt. "Perhaps."

When Eren mentioned joining her pack, Flint paused. Overall the idea seemed... off-putting. As desperate as Flint had been recently for companionship, her soul still ached for wandering in these wide open places, unlimited and unaligned with the larger forces of this land. At the same time, if Eren's pack was so small that they couldn't hunt even a bison, perhaps she should lend a paw. It had been a long while since Flint had thought for others besides herself, and it was a hard train of thought to slip back into. Self-sacrifice had never been her strong point, even among her family. And yet, the older she grew, the less her youthful urges seemed to drag her about. A home, a family? It was powerfully enticing, so she automatically shied away. She must not be impulsive, she must not commit. "A pack, eh? Curious line of thought, that." She knew she had given Eren very little to go on, but at the moment that did not concern her. The young wolf might not have realized it, but she'd just set Flint's emotions aswirl.

Speech, Thoughts