
live & love & don't let go


07-06-2013, 03:54 PM

Midnight. He slithered through the bounds of Seracia with a mission already set in motion. For the first time in his life as he crossed familiar lines, he found himself hoping that he would not be caught by any of his comrades. It was his wife who controlled the forefront of his mind, and it was she that he sought out in this late hour of the night. He and his father had only just returned, and after parting ways Maverick set off toward the den he and Epiphron had chosen when they had discovered they were to be married. Oh what a joyous day that had been; it could only be paralleled by their wedding itself. A smile crossed his lips, haunting and beautiful at the same time. He?d learned a lot from his father in his time away, and had seen a lot in their sojourning. It had been during their travels that he realized he needed to speak to his wife upon his return. That moment was here and now. He refrained from entering the den, but instead offered a tentative word in hopes of beckoning her to his side.


If she slumbered hard enough she may not hear him, and he would not wake her, but on the off chance that she was sleeping lightly ? or not at all ? she would hear and hopefully come to him. He hoped she wouldn?t be angry at his absence. He?d only been gone a few days, but had found his heart longing for her the moment they?d strayed across Seracian borders. Only when he embraced her once more would it calm its incessant longing and relax once more. He rocked back onto his haunches, tail curling and smoothing around his hips. He had much to tell her.
