
You Come Here Often?



7 Years
Athena I

04-25-2018, 10:07 PM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2018, 10:07 PM by Zuriel.)

Zuriel carried the corners of a rough piece of deer skin between her teeth with some of her favorite and most used herbs stored inside. She and Daelos had taken turns carrying the bundle this far so that when they got to their new home they couldn't have to completely start from scratch with their collection of herbs. Elias had gone on ahead to get ready and Zuriel hadn't planned on rushing to get there, but a mix of excitement to get there and a nervousness about traveling alone pushed her on. She let Daelos set the pace and they would rest whenever she got tired. In all honestly Zuriel grew tired more quickly than Daelos did simply out of the fact that she was much younger, but Zuriel didn't let herself slow down. There would be plenty of time to rest when they got there, or at least she hoped so.

The journey wasn't too rough, only long. It was interesting to see the landscape change as they got closer and closer to the volcano. She had only been there a couple of times before and even then it had only been to skirt around the edge in the outlying forests. Traveling through the range and the orchard had been easy. They decided to avoid the soulless forest altogether and instead edged around it to pass along the rio grande, past the traveler's pitfall, and through the redbud nook. These were all areas that Zuriel felt comfortable with and it made the trip much easier and faster.

They finally got the point where the trees of the nook gave way to the rocky terrain of the volcano and Zuriel paused, placing the bundle of herbs on the ground for a moment. She looked to her daughter to ask if she wanted to rest here before they climbed up to find Elias, but the words died in her throat. A howl ripped through the air and sent a cold chill across her skin. Her head snapped in the direction of the sound and a heart beat later she realized that it was Elias. "Take the herbs, meet me up there as soon as you can," she said in a rush before she took off up the mountain with her heart pounding and her blood rushing in her ears. The tone of his howl sent worry and fear through her.

The scent of blood hit her first, cutting through the smell of smoke and sulfur and leading her straight to the source. She relief she felt when she saw Elias standing there in tact and unharmed nearly knocked the breath out of her lungs, but that was short lived when she saw the man lying on the ground at Elias' feet. She had no idea who this man was, but that didn't matter. From the sound of Elias' howl it was clear that this man was important and that's all she needed to know.

She skidded to a halt next to Elias, her eyes darting over the man's bloody form while she panted hard to recover from her sprint up the mountain. For a moment she thought there was no possible way he was still alive, but she went around to stand at the man's back and bent her neck down, pressing her cheek to the barrel of his chest right behind his foreleg even though she knew his blood would stain her cheek in the process. She sucked in a breath for a moment even though her lungs were burning so she could listen for his heartbeat. She could see the blood still flowing from his wound and she could hear a heartbeat. They were faint, but there.

She lifted her head and frantically looked for her daughter, spotting her and calling out, "Daelos hurry! I need your help!" She looked back to Elias and happened to spot the large bundle of cobwebs wrapped around Elias' leg. She didn't know why he had collected them or how he even knew to do so, but she was thrilled to have them in this moment. "Quick, lets get that web on these wounds. We've got to stop this bleeding." It was an obvious statement, but in a way she felt like she needed to pull Elias in and get him to focus on the task at hand if he was going to be any help at all.

She methodically began to pull apart pieces of the web and pack them into the wounds. She felt Daelos' presence next to her and she glanced back at her daughter, seeing her begin to pull herbs from the bundle they had brought. Zuriel had already fallen into that focused calm that seemed to always settle over her as she worked on a patient, but having her daughter there to assist her only eased her worries more. "We're gonna save him," she said, glancing up at Elias for a brief second before she took more web from his leg and got back to work.

"Talk" "You" Think