
You Come Here Often?



2 Years
04-25-2018, 11:30 PM

Here's the thing-- he's not actually doing anything. Dimitri has gotten very good at the 'not dead, just floating' aesthetic. Tracking on a land that you didn't know well? That was a death sentence. The illusionist would learn every inch of the land beneath his feet, he would be able to track any beast who had ever walked it by scent. He would find everything with his own eyes, hos own nose. The wolfhound was going to do what he did best-- hunt. Before he could hunt, he would have to learn.

It was a call from the only other living soul that had made contact on these lands. The only living soul that was worth anything, as far as Dimitri could tell. The call that split the night, that drove his blood cold to the bone. His breath caught in his chest-- something was different. It was a life and death scream. The hair on the back of Dimitri's neck stood up, pulse beginning to pound. Something was... off. Elias was shrieking, and something had to be wrong.

Like a shot, the illusionist begins to run. He's thankful for the shape he's in-- a finely tuned machine, a monster at that. The mountain would not trouble him, as if he's been doing this all his life. Maybe that part is true. No mountain would send him back. Too much practice. Dimitri tackles it with reckless abandon, the demons bright and alive in his toxic green eyes. It's brilliant, and he's brilliant. There's something... alive. It's alive in his chest and in his heart, and that might not be right. Like a moth to flame, he's drawn to Elias's call.

He is not the first. Though fast, he can see two women already gathered around a fallen man. The scent of blood was strong in the area. Dimitri's mind was on like a switch, careful and practiced. Methodical, though more manic than the serene calm that read on the face of the strange woman. Elias, he too hung close by. He was the one that had shouted, after all. Dimitri's eyes seek those of the behemoth, one firm nod. The bodies of two mountain lions lay strewn about... more blood. Blood would draw more predators. "I'll keep watch. No further harm will come." His words are careful, stern. The women would do their job, and he would do his.