
You Come Here Often?



3 Years
Extra large
04-26-2018, 09:15 AM

Miach was close behind his mother and sister, excited for the new pack's creation. He was ready to learn their culture, his family's history. The trip took a little longer than he'd expected, but Miach appreciated the scenery. He'd almost made it to the burning mountain when his father's call rang out. Something was wrong, this was no ordinary howl, it sounded pained. He couldn't see his mother or sister, but he knew they had to have made it. Perhaps something happened to one of them? Massive paws pushed off of the rocky terrain, as his long legs helped him get up the mountain faster. All he could see so far was a dog who seemed to be standing guard.

He rushed up to the man who was shorter than himself and emitted a low growl. "Where's my family, are they okay? What did you do?" He wasn't trying to be a dick, he just needed to know where his family was. Miach managed to get an idea of what was going on by peering past the male. His family was surrounding a lifeless figure on the ground, his mother and sister obviously at work. So it wasn't any of them that were hurt, but what was this other figure's significance? Why had his father sounded so hurt when he called? He would move past the male to get a better look.

He wasn't sure what to do, considering he had no talents that might be of use at this moment. He watched though as his mother carefully worked with the cobwebs to stop this man's bleeding. Titan wasn't sure if he should make his presence known or not, as his father seemed to be in a sort of shock. So, Miach sat back and watched it all unfold in front of him, feeling useless, as he didn't know how else to help his father's friend.

Walk, "Talk" Think