
To Infinity and Beyond


07-06-2013, 04:12 PM
{ooc. I'm sorry for the crappiness, I suck at starting..}

On a small island, appeared a dark figure from the sea. A wolf. A strange one at that. She was quite tall, with defined muscles and a thick mane of fur around her neck. She had been paddling from island to island in search of somewhere to call home, even temporary. This island had a single, straggling tree, barely clinging to life here in the open. Udosa scrambled into the shade of it, however meager, and panted a bit. The ocean was strong, and Udosa was still recovering from her long journey. Her fur was starting to become sticky as it dried, and smelled of the ocean. Thick ebony fur offered no help on the growing heat, even with the russet blaze on her chest, and her red stained legs. Long tongue dangling from her parted jaws, she tried to regulate her body heat. Bi coloured orbs stared out at the distant land mass, seperated from her by the ocean. Clouds scuttled across the sky, but none blocked the sun from beating down on her. The ebony and russet dame got up from her place in the shade, and decided to head for the next island. It was slightly larger, with more shade, provided by a large stone and a few trees. So she leapt into the cold sea, powerful legs launching her as far as they could. She hit the water with a splash, and the shock of it froze her in place for a second. Then she started pumping her legs, clawing furiously at the murky water, fighting the current to reach the sand of the shore on the other side. Growls escaped her maw as she fought the waves, until she felt a hind leg scrape sand. Finding her footing, she walked the rest of the way onto the land. Collapsing in the shade of the boulder, she relaxed. Once her strength returned, she would make her way to the largest island. There might be prey there, maybe even a place to make her home. So she rested, content with the work she had done.