
Thick skin and an elastic heart



10 Years
Athena I
04-26-2018, 10:22 PM

Baine appreciated the sentiment when he insisted that she must be doing her job well enough. The problem was she wasn't okay with doing well enough, but she also couldn't seem to mind the motivation to do any better than what she was doing now. She still gave him a smile either way since she knew his intentions were good in the statement. For someone who looked so large and intimidating and talked about liking to be alone he was turning out to be quite nice.

To his questions she began with a small shrug while her gaze drifted to the ground as she spoke. She was normally so careful about keeping up appearances and making sure she wasn't over sharing with her feelings to anyone other than her siblings. She generally liked to keep a smile on her face in hopes that she could keep everyone around her happy, but he seemed at least mildly interested and it was freeing in a way to speak to someone who she may never see again after this.

"I thought this was the position I wanted, but now I'm not so sure. I really just wanted it because I don't really like to fight and I never really picked up on healing and I'm only decent at hunting and this is kind of the job that was left." Once the words started tumbling out of her mouth it was hard to stop. She sighed as she looked down at her forepaws. "It hasn't been the same there since my litter mate left. My older brother is the alpha and I have other siblings there, but... it's not the same. I've thought about leaving, but..." She shrugged again, not really having a real end to that thought.

After all of that she was eager to get the topic off of herself for a moment. She didn't typically like having the spotlight on her and this was more than she had really talked about herself in quite some time. "Anyway... It doesn't really matter I guess. It is what it is," she said dismissively, lifting her head and giving him a small smile. "Sorry for rambling like that... What about you? Do you have any siblings?"

"Talk" "You" Think