
I Can Do It All By Myself (Jouko)



2 Years
04-26-2018, 10:54 PM
He listened as she explained what she sought, though she assured him she was not in need of help. Suit  yourself, Jouko was hardly one to be pushy, despite the fact that he sensed the statement was more the product of pride than truth. Aggie did that, asserted that she was perfectly capable of doing whatever thing she tried even if she was in need of help. Jouko never minded though, he was patient enough to wait for the other to come around, and kind enough to not make someone feel lesser for needing assistance. He'd just smile and shrug, "Sounds like a nice combination." he didn't really have much else to say on the matter. Maybe he was too practiced in letting others do as they pleased, but it tended to make things easier when he didn't make a fuss.

Contemplation at her question that followed would be interrupted briefly as she pointed to some berries. Eyeing the shiny red things, he noted that they were almost… too shiny. He didn't mean to start this investigation, but now that his interest was piqued there was no stopping him. He sought out the plant they came from, searching the area thoroughly, though when a cursory glance at the nearest bushes yielded nothing, he'd sniff the berries and seek their origins out that way.

When he found himself standing before a somewhat short deciduous shrub. Shaking his head, he gestured at he plant by pointing a forelimb at it, "The berries look similar, but the plant tells you more accurately. I think these are Red currants. The plant doesn't grow as tall, and the leaves have five lobes where elderberries have leaves shaped more like ovals, with somewhat serrated looking edges." He would turn to look amiably at her once more, tail swishing through the air behind him. His tone held no derision, but rather was light-hearted and suggested he was more focused on how much he enjoyed identifying the plant than anything else.

Looking around the area, he shrugged and sighed softly, "I'm more exploring now though, anyways. Sadly I've sort of lost motivation to do any extensive gathering myself lately." There was the faintest hint of sadness in his voice, but it evaporated when he continued, "I'd enjoy herb hunting with you if you don't mind me tagging along, though." Where was his sister? Normally she appeared by now, and not being able to check in with his sibling was beginning to be more worrisome than he'd anticipated. Maybe she was fine, but he'd really like to know for sure.