
You Come Here Often?



6 Years
Athena I

04-27-2018, 01:08 PM

Her mother never seemed to admit that she was tired, but Daelos could tell. Even when she really didn't feel like she needed to stop she would pretend so that she could get her mother to take a break as well. It wasn't a difficult journey by any means, but she also didn't want them to be exhausted by the time they got there. They passed the herbs back and forth so neither of them had to carry them the whole way and Daelos was happy with that. She was glad that she didn't have to walk there alone... It kept her from second guessing her decision and turning back around. Part of her wished that Miach and Kane had stayed with them for the trip too, but she understood them wanting to do their own thing.

When they got closer Daelos was relieved since it meant they would be able to get settled in and she could start finding the best places near by to hunt for herbs to start rebuilding her collection. Her thoughts and plans were cut off by Elias' howl and she immediately looked to her mother worriedly. All she could do was nod to Zuriel's directions and watch her mother run off up the mountain. She quickly picked up the corners of the deer skin they had been using to carry the herbs in and started up the mountain as well.

She was already running up the rocks faster than was probably safe, but her mother's urging pushed her on faster till she came to a skidding hault just behind Zuriel. It wasn't hard to see that the situation for this stranger was dire. She looked around for a brief moment and saw the corpses of the jackles around and put two and two together. She didn't know who this man was, but it seemed pretty important to Elias. Zuriel was already hard at work so Daelos began to do the same. She sat down the herbs and starting carefully pawing through them to separate them back out again. The ones that she knew they would need got put in a separate group along the edge of the small piece of deer skin. Dandelion root, horsetail, marshmallow, a bit of willow bark... She considered the small bit of wintergreen that she had and ended up leaving it off to the side so her mother could give her a second opinion on that one. She wasn't sure if they would still need the yarrow by the time her mother was done with the cobwebs, but she kept it handy just in case.

"Talk" "You" Think