
Tempting My Trouble



7 Years
Athena I

04-27-2018, 05:32 PM
The fairly large puddle of rainwater was good enough for her as she started looking for a way to clean the blood off of her face and paws. Vale, as she found out he was called, was stable and now she had a moment to breathe and rest. For a brief moment she was alone while she laid down beside this puddle and started washing off her paws and face. The pool quickly became tinted with red. The bitter taste of the herbs she had used still lingered in her mouth and her muscles burned from overuse. Thoughts of the blood oath still lingered in her head as she stared down at her own reflection in the bloodied water. She was tired, but there was something else she needed first.

She got up and turned back toward the dens that Elias had lead them to, easily finding his scent and following it to find him. She assumed this was the den he had chosen for the two of them, but even if it wasn't she couldn't be bothered to think of that in this moment. As she passed into the shade of the den she glanced to the side and noticed the small pile of herbs that were left from what her and Daelos had brought sat off to the side of the den. Good, at least she knew where they were. She wasn't sure if Daelos herself had dropped them off or maybe Elias had brought them here. Either way, she was glad they were here. She hadn't told Daelos that some of these that she saved were meant for Elias.

Zuriel's gaze was pulled back up to Elias' as she drew closer to him like a moth to a flame. In the whirlwind of being reunited with him, leaving Lirim and coming here... She had forgotten it was autumn. It was normal for her to use herbs to help ease everything associated with being in heat, but there had been no time for that over the last couple of days. Any lingering benefits those herbs might have had were gone from her system by now. It was hard to find any words to say as she stopped in front of him, her muzzle maybe an inch or two from his. Somehow being alone with him here felt different than any time she had been with him before.

She brushed her muzzle against his cheek and it felt like a crackle of electricity. She sighed softly and just leaned her cheek into his for a moment and closed her eyes. She could feel the smooth stone of her necklace shifting against her fur with each breath she took and the cool rock of the cave under her paws felt cool in contrast with this warm feeling spreading through her veins. "We're going to create something legendary here," she said quietly as she let her eyes open just enough to see him again while she lifted her muzzle and reached up to tenderly lick his ear. She might not fully understand everything about his plans just yet, but she felt more alive with him than she had in a very long time.
