
Ahead of Myself



3 Years
Extra large
Athena I
04-27-2018, 11:24 PM

By the time he finished chatting with Zell the sun had begun to set, coloring the sky with pinks and oranges. Connecting with his father seemed to fill up his soul and made him remember how important his family was to him. They were his first priority really and sometimes he just needed a gentle reminder of what was important. He was on such a high from these realizations that he really didn't feel like going to bed. That got him wondering... who would be up for some kind of adventure or at the very least a long chat this time of day?

He grinned a little at the name that popped into his head and he turned back the way he came and went off to find his sister. The nice thing about having everyone in the same pack was that for the most part it was easy to find everyone. His mother and Rory were an exception for the moment, but most of his other siblings fell into that category. He caught Kairi's scent and immediately dropped down into a crouch so he was mostly hidden by the drying grasses. He crept forward in the direction that the breeze was blowing her scent, popping his head up over the top of the grasses from time to time to look for her.

Soon enough she came into view and he grinned as he ducked down again like he was on the hunt for some kind of prey. As he got closer he started moving more slowly so he wouldn't make so much noise. As soon as he thought he was close enough, he jumped up, landing right in front of her with a grin and a loud, "Ha!" His tail was wagging happily and he chuckled, hoping that he had at least startled her a little bit so his creeping was worth it.

"Talk" "You" Think