
Tempting My Trouble



7 Years
Athena I

04-28-2018, 03:15 PM
The feeling of his neck curving around her own was beginning to feel like a familiar, secure blanket. It felt like the piece of her that was missing was suddenly rejoined. It was calming, but also somehow made every nerve stand on end. She pressed her face into his fur for a moment and let herself savor the feeling of having him so incredibly close. For so long he felt like an unknown mystery, a figment of her imagination at times, and how he suddenly felt so real. Anything that was happening in the world outside of this den seemed like a far off dream. It didn't erase the stress that this long day had put on her, but it certainly eased it.

At the sound of his voice, her ears perked forward and her eyes opened again so her gaze could meet his. She wanted to insist that she had only been doing her job as a healer when he mentioned doing an important thing for him, but it was more than that, wasn't it? Would she have tried so hard to save that man if it hadn't been so apparent that he was important to Elias? She might have, but she couldn't be sure. It had really only been luck that had saved Vale considering Elias just so happened to have the materials she needed. For now she remained silent, instead just focusing on every word he spoke like it was the most important thing she had ever heard. In a way it probably was.

This felt like the beginning of an entirely new life for her and her family. When he spoke of feeling like they were finally part of something it was a feeling she could understand. After spending the majority of her life in one pack or another and never quite feeling like she fit there... It suddenly felt like she had a bigger plan and purpose. The way he grew distant after mentioning losing everything made her curious, but she didn't press him for more information now. They would have the rest of their lives for her to learn more about him. For now stayed quiet and focused on the information he was giving to her now. It felt like this was setting the stage for everything that was to come and felt important that she remember everything he was sharing with her now.

It was a dark history he was sharing, darker than she had ever been a part of, and she was sure this was only barely scratching the surface. She expected to feel some kind of fear or worry at the thought. After all, she was bringing much more than just herself into this. Her children, the future children she hoped they would have, even her siblings and extended family would be tied to all of this in a way... The weight of this choice weighed heavy on her shoulders, but the only way she knew how to describe how she felt was a solemn understanding.

Her gaze remained on him as his shifted to look out the entrance of the den into the soft light that was filtering in. For a moment she got lost in how his ruby gaze shone in the last night of the day, the scars along his muzzle standing out against his dark fur. She wondered if she would be the only wolf in this world to see the softness in his features the way she did. Others might see him as large, intimidating, scarred... He was all of those things, but she saw so much more. The thought made a small smile tug at her lips for a moment and she had to resist the urge to reach up and smooth down a rouge tuft of fur on his cheek.

She refocused on his words when he began to speak again, her gaze tracking him as he began to slowly circle her. "The Demon Mother..." she repeated quietly, feeling the weight of the words on her tongue. "...there is no King- there is no Queen- there are only demons..." His words replayed in her head while she began to piece together the information he was feeding her in small bites. It felt like everything in her life had lead her to this moment. She had never had feelings like this for anyone other than Elias, her only children were with him... In the last few years she had been put through the fire and had come out stronger and more sure of herself than she ever had been before. There was much more to learn about what this title entailed and what her place in this story was, but she had no doubts in her mind.

As he crossed in front of her again she reached out, taking a small step toward him and leaning her head into the thickest portion of his neck to stop his circling. She nuzzled into his fur with a soft sigh, shifting her feet so that her side was pressed to his. She could tell that she was quickly getting addicted to this feeling of his fur mingling with hers and the way his scent cancelled out everything else around them. She needed him more than she needed air to breathe. "Then I'll be The Demon Mother till the end of my days," she finally told him, feeling the commitment to those words seeping into her bones.
