
★ Polar Bear Rampage! [Fighting event]



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
04-29-2018, 01:28 PM
OOC: if either of you are interested, Malleus would be happy to tend to any wounds they get during the fight.

The bear was faster than Malleus had anticipated. It charged him suddenly as he tried to keep its attention away from the other two wolves, and he barely managed to skitter out of its reach before Pyralis latched onto its leg. Immediately - and to Malleus' relief - the bear's attention turned to his aunt. The titan put several yards between himself and the bear before turning back to take the situation in.

As he waited for the perfect moment to sneak in and launch his own attack, the unknown mortal male made a daring leap onto the bear's back. The attack gave Malleus the cover he needed to fly in undetected. In an attempt to rid itself of its attacker the polar bear started snapping at Elias and thrashing around. It curled in on its left side to do so which left it blind to what was happening on its right side.

Seizing the opportunity, Malleus darted forward and seized the bear's right front leg at the wrist. He was quick and he was merciless; his teeth sinking through the thick fur and skin to tear at the tendons below. Hopefully having a damaged leg on either side would slow the bear down.

The damage was done in a matter of seconds. Once it was done Malleus peeled off and raced away. He'd learned enough from the last bear fight to know he didn't want to be within reach when the bear turned around.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.