
Even if it Breaks Your Heart



6 Years
04-29-2018, 06:53 PM

Her words seemed to surprise him, she could tell by how he looked at her. Though it was only mere moments before he spoke she felt like it was ages! She almost regretted saying anything. Once again she caught herself holding her breath, so afraid that he didn't like what she had said. She was soon relieved as he began to speak and her tail couldn't help but to wag, lightly drumming the ground as a bright smile spread across her face. She understood why he felt he needed to try, but it didn't settle her fears of him becoming hurt. She was relieved to hear that outright war didn't settle with him telling her that they both thought somewhat similar. The biggest different was that Brandr was probably more knowledgeable on fighting then herself.

Her mind quieted when he called her name ears turning in his direction as he began to speak. What he said made her heart flutter to hear that he cared for her, that he didn't want anything to happen to her. Her eyes softened as she wriggled her body back lining the two of them up that she was, shoulder to his ribcage. Then without a word she gently pushed her face into his neck, just under his jaw, then pointing her muzzle downward so that the back of her head was under his jaw and her nose buried in his chest. Emotionally she was soaring, her feelings for him all surfacing at once and threatening to pour out uncontrollably. She used this moment to distract herself, drinking in his scent, like it was a drug that calmed her. How could she even explain to him how she truly felt about him? She didn't even realize that she was in love with him!

He had been the only one who was consistently there almost her whole life, she enjoyed every moment spent with him and was always looking forward to the next time they were together. When not around him she found herself constantly thinking of him wondering if he was thinking of her. She took another whiff of his scent gently pushing into him. If only she could fully understand her feelings.

"Brandr.... I don't want anything to happen to you either. In fact the mere thought of it scares me," she murmured into the fur on his chest. "I can't see my life without you around and I don't want a life without you around."

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag