
If I can live through this



3 Years
Athena I
04-29-2018, 08:03 PM

It was a rare moment for her to be away from her parents, but she was determined to go collect some herbs. After all, they had Viho who she was confident would keep a watchful eye on them. It was a relief in a way to be on her own for a moment. She loved her family dearly, but sometimes... She wondered what it would be like to be able to freely roam and do her own thing. As soon as the thought crossed her mind her ears flicked back with guilt and she frowned down at the small pile of herbs she had gathered so far between her forepaws.

She suddenly felt like she was wishing away her parents when she knew all too well that they were getting older and... She gave her head a quick shake and picked up her herbs so she could force herself to move on. There would be plenty of days for her to be on her own soon enough... She moved through the thick vegetation with her own hopping gait, moving a bit more carefully than she normally would so that she wouldn't fall with a mouthful of herbs. It wasn't exactly the smoothest terrain she had ever seen. It made her wonder if there was a better way to carry herbs. After all, if she fell and accidentally bit through a whole bundle of herbs and swallowed some... That wouldn't be good at all.

She paused again, setting the herbs on the ground so she could collect a small bundle of horsetail that she happened to pass. When she added it to the pile on the ground she frowned for a moment. This place was an amazing source of herbs, but how in the world was she going to carry all of these back? And what if they needed to move again? She couldn't travel with this many...
