
pray for the wicked on the weekend [agria]



8 Years
Chrono I
04-30-2018, 04:55 AM
Walk | "Agria" | "Kaine" | Think

Her ears erect forward, she would bring her lips together tight and just watch as the Giant would go into the structure, not a word back at them. She stood outside for just a few moments before nearly tiptoeing in after them, trying to be as silent as possible.

Their coughing wasn't hard to miss, and she would be sure to stay a fine distance away as she tracked them around inside not really interested in her surroundings as she thought earlier. Kaine and their curiosity, her only curiosity was her conquest but it wasn't her goal anymore, at least today. She would wait until they would be at least in somewhat a large space, some where they could both stand and see each other at least.

"Wouldn't it be my job to make sure no members wandered off too far?" She knew they must have know she were after them, so her eerie voice shouldn't have been a surprise. "It's hard to think someone wouldn't be on the verge of running away when they escape into the ocean." She lifted her head and a paw to her chest with a very fake, worried expression as if she were a mother finding out her kid ran off with some boy or something. "I mean, what if something happened to you? Wouldn't be anyone there to save you, would there?" She held the expression for a few more exaggerated seconds before putting her satan grin back on her face. They could finally sleep together in more ways than one, but she would hold a longing after them when they left the borders. Duty this and duty that, she didn't give a shit. She were only here for Kaine after all, regardless of how she showed back at "home".