
If I can live through this



4 Years
04-30-2018, 07:43 AM

It was daylight once again and Chasm hadn't been able to fall asleep yet. Since his companion was nocturnal, most of their traveling and exploring had been done at night, during the day they rested up to continue on, but he was restless. Deciding to leave Bones within the den Chasm looked for something to occupy his time, quietly moving among the foliage this territory had and looking for something to interest him. As he moved along in quiet he felt himself yearning for company. Ever since his father and full blooded brother left he had been struggling to deal with being alone. It was a painful reminder how time and time again others turned their backs and up and disappeared from his life. First was his father and brother, second was his mother, then all his younger siblings. So far he had found Adore and he had no plans to try and convince her to go back.

A quiet sigh passed the rainbow backed male's lips. Maybe he should just head back and chill within the temporary den until nightfall, at least he would have Bones at his side. Though what fun was that when you couldn't fall asleep. He would be sitting there listening to the soft snores of his companion, staring at the dark walls, and would still feel vary lonely. So what should he do? Shaking his head he pushed on until the wind brought a somewhat familiar scent to his path. Stopping he lifted his head and took in the scent again, second guessing himself. It was extremely faint, but the pack still lingered within her scent. He also recognized her scent from around the pack before. Curiosity began to take over his thoughts and without further hesitation he moved forward fallowing the scent with ease.

Soon her form came into view, one he had seen from afar before and he stopped a moment, hesitating. What if she wanted nothing to do with him? What if she simply wanted to be alone? Would it hurt to try?

"Hello," he called out quietly moving away from the brush so she could see him.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015