
I Can Do It All By Myself (Jouko)



3 Years
04-30-2018, 10:53 AM

Kahaia watched nervously as the man eyed the berries. It seemed she was wrong, but she listened to him carefully. It seemed this man knew a lot more than what she'd originally assumed. Of course, the girl was a little disappointed in herself for not really understanding before and making a fool of yourself, but this man was so polite. Before she could get a chance to interrupt and thank him for helping her, he answered her original question and even seemed to be asking one of his own. The girl was obviously going to accept his help. As long as this man kept spewing words of wisdom all evening, then she was going to appreciate his company and assistance.

"I really appreciate this, thank you so much!" She would lead them, looking for the dandelion first. Of course, it would be an easy feat, as dandelion seemed to be everywhere. Kahaia moved gracefully through the tall grass, keeping her eyes peeled for some dandelion that was in good shape still. Emerald gaze caught just what she'd been searching for, so the girl grabbed some. She was sure to get the whole herb, root and all. She wasn't sure which part she needed to make this little mixture, but it seemed like something this man would know. Little flower soon realized how rude she had been, making no introduction and just going on to do her own thing. "I'm Kahaia, by the way. Do you have a pack around here or something?" She wasn't all that familiar with packs in the area still, as she had been so sheltered before. Her search continued as she waited for a response from the man. She was beginning to get frustrated with herself before she realized that she now had a helper! Lass would wait for the brute to finish before asking for help."Can you... can you help me find the Marigold?"
