
Pain Is Merely Weakness Leaving The Body


07-13-2013, 02:51 AM

Water oozed from his pelt of silk. His mother had always told him that his coat had been laced with stardust, it was impossible to feel so soft otherwise. He smiled softly at the memory, her image, her grace, and her beauty still fresh within his mind. When he choose to leave his home behind, he had done so with the heavy knowledge that he very well may never see his family again and so far, that had proven true. He wondered often if they looked to the skies, witnessed his star and thought of him. He wondered of his siblings, his mother, his father, his family. They were precious to him. More sacred than all of the seas, the forests, the meals and the soil beneath his paws combined. Family was life, the stars, his soul.

Shaking vigorously, droplets of starlight rained down upon him. The earth greedily ate the offerings, consumed by its jealously of another presence touching her shores. Tis why she swallowed the dead, to finally gain her revenge. It was why his eyes, even now, were trained upon the glory of the sky. If only he could live amongst the clouds, dance across lightning, race through the blackened cries of rain... but alas, he was not graced with wings, he could only wish to one day return to that glimmering beacon of hope, to become all the embodied his star.

Here the skies were black and twisted even though daylight gleamed beyond the grasp of this island, he already enjoyed it more than he had any of the mainland. Where others saw distress, danger, malice, and hatred, he saw power unrestrained, beauty undefined, and glory reconstructed. Wild, untamed, beautiful. It could neither be captured nor conquered. This storm, wild and restless, would never be tamed and he adored it. The water still weighing him down a smile broke across his visage and the male raced. Pads drumming against the earth in a steady beat. Somewhere lightning crashed and thunder rumbled and he only grew more excited. Winding between the terrain displaying ample agility and glorious speed, he weaved.

He explored the island, soaring with the wildlife, bounding over low lying shrubbery, narrowly avoiding a deadly strike from a colorful cobra and feeling the whip of the wind as the fangs just missed his ample calf. This island! It was glorious, perfection, beauty, love! The clouds groaned and the sky cracked, but no rain graced him and no bolts struck the earth. The clouds were speaking, communicating to one another, shielding the earth from the blinding rays of the sun! Sirius listened.

His revere was shattered as the scent of another wolf crept within his nose. The boy paused, spinning on his paws and facing whom else had discovered this utopia, blinding amethysts narrowed in on the terrain, seeking this wolf. He drove himself a few paces forward, eyes darting this way and that. His guest, it seemed, was in no hurry and after awhile he grew tired of waiting. He had never waited for destiny before, he had always lived by the belief that destiny was within everyones grasp... few were brave enough to actually take it.

He found him quickly, a rather massive chocolate covered male with a white stripe that swept the length of his body, triangles that encompassed eyes of piercing blue, and half socks that wrapped around the back of his legs. While his own coat seemed oddly scattered, his seemed to be in perfect order. Sirius stopped before him, tail swinging absently behind him. A gentle smile eased its way upon his lips and a pink tongue escaped him, licking his chops once before his larynx vibrated in gentle speech. ?Gorgeous day is it not? Tell me friend, what has drawn you to this island? The promise of rain? Of thunder? Of darkness?? Excitement glittered in the depths of his bright eyes and the mere thought of such things had his tail beating just a little bit faster. Eagerly, he awaited the largers response.
