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07-06-2013, 06:40 PM

He watched in mild amusement as Flint stretched out before him, craning her neck, a resounding pop reaching his ears. That all sounds interesting, I'm a hopeless case when it comes to exploring. It's a weakness, you could say. Sitting still has never been a strong point of mine. Gael allowed a low rumble of a chuckle to trickle from his jaws, an amused light taking hold of his eyes. That's completely understandable. I've gone through my own time of exploring, but being back home makes me kind of want to settle down, though the occasional exploration doesn't hurt. It appeared the Flint shared his restless nature, that itch to go out and to know the world. Though his own itch had been satisfied for the time being, but he wouldn't doubt that it could flare up later on.

Thank you for the knowledge, but I should probably move on. You belong to a pack called Valahlla, you said? Perhaps I'll visit you next time I'm in the area, unless you would be opposed? An easy grin broke across his face, haunches unfolding from beneath him as he rose to his paws, audits pricking forward as he spoke. You're very welcome. Yes, Valhalla is my home. That would be awesome if you could drop by some time. I'll be sure to welcome you in, maybe show you around if you'd like. But until then, have a wonderful Flint. It was a pleasure to meet you. He dipped his crown in a final goodbye, limbs pulling him away from the whistling willows back towards his home, hoping that maybe some time in the near future he would meet up with the curious rogue again.

EXIT GAEL (unless stopped by Flint)

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