
You Come Here Often?

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
05-01-2018, 10:41 AM

Vale began to stir as the voices around him got louder, at first he thought it was the demons in his mind, forcing him awake. The first figure that he caught a glimpse of was Elias, and the man forced a chuckle. "Its a wonder we keep finding ourselves in situations like these, isn't it, brother." He had never called Elias that before, but since their talk, it felt appropriate. Beast craned his neck to see a woman beside him, working away with the cobwebs. Surely, she knew what she was doing and the bleeding would stop soon but that didn't mean he wasn't still woozy now. Gaze drifted to see three more figures in the distance, seemingly guarding their little fortress, and then another female assisting the one with the cobwebs. So this was Elias' family? Vale smirked as he looked them all over again.

Vale winced as he attempted to straighten himself up a bit. He didn't want to look like some dead thing that these wolves were just picking at. It took some effort, but he managed to bring himself up, his hind legs now pulled under him instead of sprawled out. "Sorry.", he managed to the women assisting him. He wasn't trying to mess them up, the man wasn't quite ready to die. He looked over at the remains of the jackals and a grin spread across his maw. "Oh yeah, those two were waiting here to take this land before we could. I left them there for you. The skull is a little way that way," he struggled to nod in the direction of their project.

Vale tried to keep himself quiet from this point on, every time he opened his mouth, the pain seemed a little more obvious to him. Again, he let his injuries go too far, he could hear the voices stirring up in his mind, but the brute snapped to Elias immediately. His vision was blurry, but he was sure to find his friend's gaze and lock eyes with him. He wasn't going to let his demons control him, especially not now in front of Elias' family. He would hate to see Elias have to choose should something get violent. Lips pulled back as the woman working on him touched a tender area, revealing those yellowed fangs of his. The man was sure to relax his face quickly, he didn't want Elias to think there was any threat.


Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.