
You Come Here Often?



6 Years
Extra large

05-01-2018, 02:08 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2018, 02:32 PM by Elias.)

The intensity in his eyes did not seem to be fading away as Zuriel neared him, though as his ruby stare found her own they looked at her with an unspoken plea. Their eyes didn't linger on each other for long, she started to get to work and he lifted his left forepaw to expose the cobwebs he had collected for what was supposed to be ceremonial rituals. His world was spinning, but he wasn't losing himself just yet, he was far too concerned for Vale to lose focus.

He wondered where the rest of their children were now that Zuriel was here, and for a moment he wondered if she had traveled the whole way alone. That was another concern weighing in on his mind, but then Zuriel called for Daelos and Elias snapped to look in the direction of their daughter. Daelos seemed to be moving with haste, and Miach didn't seem to be too far behind her. Zuriel then looked at Elias again and reassured him that they were going to save him. If anyone could, he was confident in Zuriel.

The words of the wolfhound broke his attention, his neck twisting suddenly so he could watch the man as he stood a few yards away near the bodies of the jackals. He seemed to be standing guard, and Elias gave him a firm nod of appreciation before looking back to Vale. Vale had started to speak, and Elias' impish ears stood as tall as they could, not wavering or moving at all as they honed in on the stressed sound of Vale's voice.

The relief that washed over him was enough to bring a brief smile across Elias' lips, something that confused even him. Brother. Yes, they were- not by birth but soon by blood. His eyes scanned the ground between everyone as he searched for the dagger he had dropped in his initial rush to get to Vale's side, and then he noticed the tall beacon of white that silently graced them with his presence. Elias just stared at his brother for a moment, warmth overcoming him as he found comfort in the sight of his brother's arrival. He was too busy to stop and talk, but confidence was returning to him as the reliable Judge of Ruina was now set in stone once again.

He found the knife near Ace's feet and plucked it up quickly, then turned back around and brought himself up close to Vale. Vale was babbling about the jackals and the skull, and Elias looked at them briefly. He was beginning to feel more hopeful that Vale would pull through, but then the grimace that overcame his features just before Vale caught himself and tried to hide it made him concerned all over again. He rushed over to the skull and kicked it toward Vale, nearly skidding as he rushed back to Zuriel's side and finally anchored his weight down in a sit. Quickly, he brought up his left forelimb to the blade held tight in his teeth and made an incision along the veins below his ankle and above his toes. Blood droplets seemed to flirt with the idea of exposing themselves, but it wasn't until he lowered his paw into the bowl of the ram's skull and applied pressure did it really start to trickle. He then dropped the knife in between Vale's forelimbs and nosed it closer to the man's mouth.

"Vale, I want you to be the first soul brought into our family on this day of Ruina's rising." He spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, but his stern tone was meant only to hold Vale's attention. "Since they day I met you, you have inspired me. You will run with me eternally from this day forward, bound to myself and to Ruina by blood- not just in this life, but in every life under the strength of our demons. Pick up the blade, make your mark, and join me." His paw pressed into the bone of the skull a little harder as he pushed it closer to Vale's paws, making it easier for him to reach as the thick of his blood started to coat the bowl like the consistency of milk. Would Vale stay conscious long enough to complete it, the concern on Elias' face was quite easy to read as he was far too focused to hide it.


Going to do a couple posts with just Vale and Zuriel while we finish the oath. ♥

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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