
pray for the wicked on the weekend [agria]



6 Years
Extra large
05-01-2018, 05:11 PM
Walk | "Agria" | "Kaine" | Think

To see her grin falter, drop completely. Oh. Perhaps I have made a mistake. It rang like a thousand silver bells in their skull, forcing them to a standstill. Watching her move, eyes tracing her path around the room. Her shoulder brushing against the walls, the soft shush, shush, of her fur against the false stone. Each deliberate placement of her delicate paws upon the pebble strewn ground. With every pace, a crack fissured ever longer across their heart.

She didn't feel the same after all.

"Are you so sure?" It was the four word reply that was so opposite what they desired. Not I love you, too. Auds flicked back for the barest of moments, before the stony facade of a deity slid into place. "You say that as though you know what is in my heart better than I do." They said, tone bordering on chiding. She was not a child, though. Her amethyst form drew nearer, tantalizingly close. They could destroy her for turning them down, for daring to ignore the will of a deity. Instead, the beast stared at her. Waiting. Crushed by the tight press of the walls all around, the air too heavy in their lungs. Her eyes met theirs, a single brow rising in query. "Do you need reminded of the last... man who... loved me."

No, they did not.

Just like that, the glory of her gaze upon their face was torn away. Turned to the surrounding room. "I am no man, little pixie." They rumbled, soft as a whisper. Eyes narrowed, scrutinizing her distant features. "I am a god." A truth they lived with each breath, undeniable. "Unlike the pathetic mortal that you may have been previously bound to, I know treasure when I lay my eyes upon it." Sweet nothings, prayers directed her way in hopes that she might cast her fathomless gaze upon them once more. To let the light of her soul warm their weary bones.

A few steps closer, head low. Daring to invade her personal space, if she did not bolt like a skittish horse. "By the very divinity in my blood, and the Fallen One's glory, I will never do what he did. May I be struck down for breaking that oath, my little pixie. I will only cherish you, and worship you, should that be your will." Never in their life had Kaine imagined that they might debase themself like this, grovel before the paws of anything less than the Fallen One himself. Yet, here they were. Desperate to bury their face in the thick fur of Agria's ruff, to drink in the intoxicating aroma of her skin. "Let me show you, little pixie. What a god's love can be like."
