
You Look So Worn So Thin



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-01-2018, 05:50 PM

Cloud had returned to the North for a short time, returned to the forest and the mountain where he had last seen his brother. He wasn't sure what to think of him now after he had left so silently. He couldn't figure out how to feel about that night. Was he angry with Ty? Upset? He had been sad, his heart had broken when he found out that Ty had left. He had been the one to give the rest of the pack the news before they trickled away into nothing. Dauntless had been torn down by its creator's own hands. And Cloud had wandered ever since. Until recently...

He had found his father. Not during the greatest moment of his life, but what Elias told him still haunted him. Cloud had never really been able to control what was wrong with him, maybe a time or two, but he was afraid of himself and what he could do. He wasn't exactly sure what to do or think anymore, but he didn't really have much more time to think about it. As the male was passing near the Sound, he heard a loud howl ring across the lands. He stopped in his tracks, head tilting as he listened. It echoed off the sides of the Sound, through his ears, and seemed to shake his very soul. The voice wasn't entirely familiar, and it took him a minute or two to figure it out, but when he did, his eyes widened. Ty?! Heart pounding hard against his chest, Cloud took off at a breakneck pace. Ty was back!? He couldn't believe his ears. He told himself it was just wishful thinking, but as the remnants of the howl faded away, he realized it didn't exactly sound like his brother...but it was similar. His nephew maybe? Had Rain come back?

He hadn't really interacted with Rain or Nuada yet, preferring to give his brother and his brothers mate time to get used to their new family, but he needed his brother more than he realized. Paws drummed the ground as he raced through the sound, and soon he could hear the familiar sound of those flightless birds growing louder. Their stench reached him, and he never really liked the way they smelled, but damn they were tasty. Soon enough, he heard the ocean that lied just on the other side of the Sound, and that's when he saw them. A young wolf was standing over something, trying to keep the birds away. Monochrome form barreled through the penguins, snapping and snarling as he sent them scattering in a panic and as fast as their little legs could carry them.

He slowed as he got closer to the pair of wolves, and immediately he recognized Rain's familiar coat, and..."Ty!" He shouted as he got closer. He skidded to a halt beside him, a worried expression all over his face. What had happened to him? He looked almost unrecognizable! He was sure that if he didn't have that unshakeable bond with him, he wouldn't have even recognized the howl from Rain, or his brothers form right now. But here he was, at his brother's side because of it. His heart pounded in his chest both from the running and the fear he had for his brother. He looked like he was dying, and Cloud was terrified. He turned his attention to Rain then, "Go get some fresh water! There's moss all over the place, and freshwater pools near the walls of the canyon, hurry!" He turned back to Ty, lying beside him as he started to lick his poor brothers face. He needed help, and fast! But Cloud wasn't a healer...

Thinking quickly, he thought of only one wolf who might be able to save his brother, so he threw his head back and called her. He didn't know if their mother was nearby, but he had to try! He howled long and loud, a booming call that would be heard for miles, he was sure. And when he was done, he returned to trying to warm his brother and rouse him enough to keep him conscious. "I'm here Ty, I'm not gonna leave you!"

Walk, "Talk" Think