
Rite of Rebirth



2 Years
05-01-2018, 07:20 PM

A call lifted her head from where it laid in the snow. Sath was off again somewhere she wasn't sure. Prolly trying to cover their tracks again. She didn't think it would work if he wanted to find them. An abomination, that's what he had called her. Sath had immediately been called as had Uncle Gabriel, to tend to the wound that had been made. Though even Gabriel's touch couldn't keep the scar from remaining. Father had sworn them to secrecy to keep her other older siblings from trying to hunt down Abba before her father got his fair fight with him.

She lifted herself and let out a quieted bark for Sath, she wanted to make sure her sister knew she was answering that call for them. Mother had disappeared too it seemed, likely to go to the homeland. They were in good paws though. She steeled herself with a breath before she moved forwards. Her pace had her there quick enough, though she was panting by the time she had got there. HEr fur was thicker than her sister's from spending time in the colder north. Her Blue eyes fell on her sister's bobbed tail, a wonder of if he had done that too. Father said he was their grandfather but she hadn't a need to call him such an endearing thing. Her own face was scarred beyond recognition of her former self. It took the form of a jagged mark traveling from the left corner of her mouth, which was torn now. to right next to her right ear's inner corner. A line was parallel to this one, in relativity it touched the outer corner of her left eye. She was marked.

She looked from her sister to Olya. There wasn't the light of a pup anymore, merely a soon to be young woman who knew what the truth of her father's lineage was. A fire did dance in them but it was muted with recent distress and sadness. They were haunting just to look at. His voice still rang in her head, "Abomination.... I will correct his mistake, that bitch that stole his heart to make you will die." She knew why Father had to do this, he had to keep her mother and uncle safe. She didn't have to like it though. She wouldn't speak, afraid her sister might hear her problem with such a thing, an impedimate from the way her lips were cut.

Walk "Talk" Think

Avatar by the wonderful Denny <3