
Praetor Imps



6 Years
05-01-2018, 08:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2018, 12:42 AM by Poser.)
Big ol' work in progress right here, wait with me.

Which design?
3, 2

I am not a girl, I am a storm with skin
Aurelia will always have a slightly skewed sense of identity. Some would call it dissociation... which is pretty correct. Like watching herself in a movie or not being completely in control of herself and her body, the girl feels sort of disconnected constantly from the world around her. It's this out of touch sense of being that leads her to make some strange choices regarding the way that she interacts with the world around her. It's as if all consequences for her actions are something that won't truly impact her at her core-- good or bad. Like watching herself on TV, or in a novel, or through a spyglass... Aurelia will never have a solid sense of being in her own skin, and in this world.

Glory and gore go hand and hand
From the moment Aurelia learns how to fight, it's going to be her life. Every moment of her existence is going to be spent looking for another fight, another thing to throw herself head over heels into. Though smaller than her siblings, she's going to use that to her advantage. Faster, better than all of them-- at least in her mind. Maybe that's the pride speaking, but she loves that. Prideful, angry at the universe, and driven. Does she know why the rage builds up in her system as it does? Absolutely not. Does it matter? Not to Aurelia.

The one parents warned you about
Don't expect her to play nice. Aurelia's entire existence is play dirty, get shit done. Smaller, the right size to play tricks and pull fast shit on everyone around her. Trouble, but she'll never read like that outright. Steal some hearts, get what you want, and no one will notice until you're long gone. Learn to hustle like a man, never trust one.

She was wrath
Aurelia has an incredibly difficult time controlling her anger. It bubbles up inside her, white hot, and cannot be tamed. It will take a lot of time, and even more effort to get it under control. Rage in a creature of her breeding, of her ilk, is not something to mess with. Aurelia may never be able to tame the creature that lives inside her in the worst way, but eventually she will try. It will take until she's much older to even recognize there's a problem.

What survived may not be kind, but it's me
Maybe she's a little bit of a bitch, but she shows (mostly) well in public. Behind closed doors, when her struggles are allowed to rage full force? Well, that's a different story. The things in her head, the prevailing thoughts, they aren't always kind ones. Aurelia fights the war in her head on the daily, and it will push her further and further to an aesthetic that isn't... the most graceful. Some days it's all she can do to survive. On the days when she doesn't have a lot of spoons left? Maybe she's a little awful to the people around her. Even existing... hell, it can take so much sometimes. Maybe all Aurelia wants is for someone to understand that.

She was not truly loved, and it made her cruel
Aurelia convinces herself on a constant basis that she is on her own. No one needs her, no one loves her. Even if it's just her brain playing tricks on her, she'll struggle with demons from the early days. This leads to incessant recklessness, and something that can't be tamed or chained. Though the child is golden, she is different. She will always be different, and she will be painted black in time. Her lack of understanding love unless it's blatantly presented to her, her lack of feelings unless they are in the moment... maybe Aurelia will outgrow it. Maybe she won't. It's something only time will tell.

Fear not the forest
Aurelia lacks the healthy fear of the things in the trees, the things in the forest that go bump in the night. What she will learn is that she is that thing. Her understanding of plants and nature will be natural, and she'll soak in all the information she can find, all the information others offer her and what she can learn on her own. A skilled healer, a reader of the natural world. The wild spaces are where she's in her glory, and it's magical. Enchanting. A little bit of that spark lives in her every day.

Healing and fighting, which will be swapped to intellect after she's told she can't be Nefas

*Aurelia will spend her early year(s?) insisting that she can fill the position of Nefas as well as any of her brothers, if not better. She's going to believe this in its entirety, and it will take a lot to get her to stand down from this. It'll become nearly the point of obsession.
*She will likely end up as a succuba... this will have an impact on how she sees herself. Her initial stint there will be as an impulse-- if I can't be Nefas, then I guess I'll be a WHORE, because that's all you see for a WOMAN (or something of the like) in a tantrum like state. It will alter her sense of identity, and maybe change a shift in her childhood personality.

Plot Ideas:
*She's going to bring home her first companion, an injured bird of prey, and absolutely beg Zuriel for help nursing it back to help. An owl or a falcon, something of the sort, with golden eyes like her own. This is going to be her best friend, constant companion, and the first time she'll really show her knack for healing.
*Maybe have the very first showings of borderline personality disorder... grow a strong bond with one of her siblings, thick as thieves and attached at the hip, and then convince herself that sibling hates her. Distance herself in such a severe way that she damages that sibling relationship for the rest of their lives, and leave everyone wondering why. She won't know herself, not until she's much older.

Eye Color:

Aurelia takes after her mother in most things, especially the way in which they come into the world. She is smaller than her brothers and sisters, looking nearly frail by their sides in the early months. Light in build, which makes her light in step. More agile, quicker, sharp as a knife. Like her mother, she will only strengthen as she grows. Monochromatic like both of her parents, but erring on the lighter shades. Darker and shadowy across the topline, fading down to pale greys at her sides. Dark grey toes, as well. Her expression tends to be impish, usually with a sly grin and a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. Those, those are a work of wonder. Like liquid gold, shining in pools on her face. 36" at the shoulder when fully grown, but it make take her a little longer than most to reach her full, mature adult height.


Aurelia-- meaning golden

Don't stress too much about these, but it helps to know.
Height: I was thinking about sticking her around the 36" mark honestly, because of the whole "takes after Zuriel" thing
Pup Slot: I'mma say ... potentially. I'll get back to you <3
[Image: VVdK7m3.png]