
Praetor Imps



7 Years
Extra large
05-02-2018, 01:53 PM
Which design? #3 (Second choice is one of my own design, pending approval by Sin)

Personality: Even as a child the girl will seem wise beyond her years, she is unflappable, patient and in fact may seem detached, though in truth she is simply observing, watching the whole of the world around her and taking in information at all points. She wholly believes in the teachings of her family and will only refer to herself using plurality. She believes herself to be many, less an individual and more a tight collection of many given form.

She always eager to offer her insight and answer any questions posed to her. Her mind is clay, malleable and easily molded and shaped with each new thing she encounters. She approaches all new challenges with an eagerness to learn and improve and with curiosity, even if it's not evident on her face. She seeks nothing more than to better herself with each passing day.

Hidden bubbling beneath the surface of the calm and detached surface is her second self, a fiery individual who only rears her head in moments of high stress. Musetta like many of her line lives with Dissociation Identity Disorder, a second wholly separate personality lives within her. The two cannot actively exist at the same time and when the secondary personality takes over often causes blocks of her memory to be missing when she returns to "normal."

This secondary personality is high individualistic, when she is taken over by it the girl no longer sees herself as an amalgamation but as a whole. This secondary personality is vibrant and very much reactionary; prone to rash decisions and high emotions. The secondary personality can often seem to be a sort of defense mechanism, jumping in to protect the girl from harm her normally slow and methodical side is unequipped to deal with, however the change can last far longer than any perceived danger can, the length of the disassociation seeming almost random though usually lasting no longer than a day at most.

Both personalities however are highly dedicated to Musetta's family and her duties as a member of the Preator line. She shares a deep, nearly inexplicable bond with her family, something very few outside her line will experience though her love is evident.

Skills: Intellect and Fighting
Ambitions: To rise to the ranks of The Judge and barring that become a Forcas.
Plot Ideas: A trauma of some kind (perhaps related to her family's own struggles with mental illness) causes the first apperance of Musetta's second personality, it lasts several hours and could be potentially distressing for other members of the family.
Musetta will likely challenge her Forcas many times as a child, seeking to escape to a rank that she feels actually suit her, whether her constant challenges are rewarded or not could be plotted out.
I can see a decent amount of scarring or maiming happening as well, though I don't see her being the provocateur, rather a side effect of some of the more violent tendencies of the pack.

Eye Color: Blue
Appearance: To look upon her is to truly see Zuriel in her daughter, the girl will stand 39 inches tall as an adult taller than her dame but shorter than many in her line, similarly the girl will be more willowy in frame. She is light and almost delicate looking. She stands with the poise of a queen and moves with the grace of a cat, long thin limbs can propel her forwards at great speeds though she rarely reaches them.

Her pelt is short and light, like that of her sire but she carries a more varied pallet of monochromatic tones. She is mostly light in tone, light grays making up her base; though darker tones mark her toes, and run along her sides. Darker tones still, ashy grey would mark her crown and the base of her ears as well as flow down her neck and along her spine to the end of her tail, the same color branches off her back and extends down her shoulders. An even darker, nearly black color marks her muzzle in line with her nose down her chin as well as around her eyes and the tips of her ears. All these shades of grey fleck along most of her body though are most mixed along her shoulders.

Her most striking feature and the one that informs most of her life are the clear sky blue eyes that peer out at the world, her gaze is strong and is clearly intelligent.

Gender: Female
Name: Musetta

Height: Theoretically up to 40" (Though I want her to be 39")
Pup Slot: Yes