
You Look So Worn So Thin



9 Years
05-02-2018, 07:42 AM

The gift from Elias had done wonders to her soul and her emotions. She had her confidence pack and her gypsy spirit of traveling. She did have to wait a little while until the cub was a little older before doing any long trips, but now he was old enough for sure. It may have been silly, but the women named the wolverine Eli after the mysterious man that had given him to her. Their last meeting had been so.... different from the first that the women felt younger then she was. He held great interest in their children together, another thing that had made her feel good, their father wasn't a complete monster after all. This gave her hope that maybe they could bond if he had run across them to get his side of the story and understand fully about their creation. To learn of their half siblings.

She didn't know why they headed North, call it some sort of invisible pull. She couldn't help but go back there in hopes of finding Ty and Rain. She missed her ambitious son and feared that the worse may have happened to him. They were gathering the last bit of herbs for the year in hopes to have enough to get her and Chinook through the winter. Though he had been distant as of late and had been going off on his own more and more. She couldn't help, but to remain feeling lonely, but little Eli was helping her with that somewhat.

A howl rippled in the distance making the petite women stop to listen. It sounded somewhat familiar, but strange all the same making her heart drum within her chest. Shaking her head and continued to move on with Eli, falling in just mere inches from the tip of the creatures tail. It had gone for a while before a stronger, deeper, and louder howl made the women stop dead in her tracks. A shiver ran up her spine, this howl clearly familiar. One of her son's was calling for her and she felt her heart drop at the tone of the howl. Without hesitation she sprung forth past the wolverine and ran, ran towards the source as fast as she could. Not caring if she stumbled, not caring if she fell, but the urgency and tone in her son's howl was worrying her.

She hadn't been that far from their location and as the smell of rotting fish and flightless birds his her nose she wrinkled it in discussed. She ran and she ran until she came upon where cloud was, his thick musty scent hitting her and pulling her forth. Then the familiar scent hit her and she stopped taking it in. Even though it was laced with salt it was easy for her to know who exactly it was and she rushed to his other side. Nose twitching and hovering inches over his body as she looked for wounds to heal. He was cold, she was sure of it and Cloud laid on one side of Ty's form and she laid down and pressed herself into the opposite side. She had heard Cloud's command for water when she came upon the scene. She continued to look for physical wounds as little Eli finally arrived, her bundle of herbs in his mouth he moved over to her and gently placed them on the ground. She continued to search for wounds while rubbing against him to try and warm him and stimulate him.

"Talk" & 'Think"

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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times