
You Look So Worn So Thin



3 Years
05-02-2018, 11:18 AM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2018, 11:19 AM by Rain.)

Healing ailment: Emaciation| Round 1 2 3|

Rain had no time to think or even attempt to recognize who the man was before he dashed away scenting fresh water and moss. He gathered as much moss as he could and soaked it in a pool of crisp fresh water before dashing back to his father. Now there was an older woman laying on the opposite side of his huddled father’s body but now was not the time for introductions.

Rain carefully slipped between the two to reach his father’s muzzle and gently slipped the dripping moss into his mouth. He gave a short, relived breath as his father’s mouth began to work at the spongy plant, squeezing water from it and swallowing laboriously.

He barely had a moment to think before he took off again, this time dashing for the flightless birds that had been too stupid to escape in the water. He could just barely manage to lift one from its feet as it squalled and writhed in his jaws, attempting to escape. Without hesitation he grabbed its head in his jaws and dashed its body against the stony floor of the bay, its neck hanging limply from between his fangs, broken.  

He ran back to his father and the two that had answered first his call then the unfamiliar male and dropped the bird in front of his father.

Tyranis regarded the bird wearily his jaws barely opening enough to rip into the bird before his son moved into action again, placing his paws on the bird’s body and tearing away a strip of flesh, nudging the livid and pink meat to his father who now began to eat.

And yet he couldn’t stop moving. As his father nibbled at the meat Rain gathered the moss again, running back to the pool of fresh water to replenish it, far too anxious to stop.

Speaking  Thinking You