
Silence Speaks



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
05-02-2018, 05:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2018, 05:24 PM by Zell.)

"Well enough despite the circumstances," He responed back. He of course, was sure that Frost knew what he was talking about. Faite and Rory had disappeared, and Zell was left to watch over their remaining kids. Not that they were kids anymore who needed watching...but they were always going to be his kids no matter what. He sat there quietly as the others came in, the pack looking relatively small but it was a better turn out then last time. He side eyed Torin for a moment, realizing that he hadn't had spent much bonding time with him, or Breasal. And Jaidah... He turned his head, searching for his other daughter, but she hadn't arrived. He hadn't really scented her around the pack lands for a while, and was growing increasingly worried. He leaned into Breasal for a moment, almost as if trying to comfort himself from the worries he had.

Once everyone gathered with the exception of a few, the meeting started. Frost spoke, and Zell listened quietly. It was true that a meeting was long overdue, and this meeting seemed to be both good news and bad news. Two returning members, Zell nodded his head to both Hailey and Fortune. It wasn't a proper welcome, but he would seek them out later to welcome them back and see if they needed help with anything. Frost mentioned that two of Jewell's kids were missing, and Zell couldn't say he was surprised about that. They probably took after her, wandering off when they weren't supposed to go beyond pack lands and getting into trouble somewhere. From what he saw and knew of her, she wasn't the type to instill any sort of discipline. That part always seemed to fall to him. Whether others would hate him for it, he didn't give a shit. The pack came first, and if others thought otherwise then they could kiss his butt.

Frost asked for volunteers to help train the remaining pups, and though Zell wasn't too keen on dealing with another colored horror for fear that they were just like their unruly mother, he supposed he would have to since he was the only real warrior here. "I'll volunteer to train whichever pup wants to excel in fighting. I'll say this now though, my training tactics are not for the faint of heart, nor will it be a time for play." He turned his gaze to the pups present, emphasizing that it would be serious if they so chose that field. "I would also like to say now, that I will be conducting several fight training and spar sessions soon, and it would be in the packs best interest to attend. Especially for those who don't know how to fight, so they can defend themselves to avoid certain accidents." The last part was in reference to Jewell. She had not only gotten into trouble once but twice. And she wasn't the only one who needed to learn to fight, either. He worried about Kairi and her carefree attitude, but she at least had been eager to learn when he taught her private lessons. She at least would be able to make any attacker struggle before they got what they wanted. Not only that, but whispers of things happening beyond Lirim borders were circulating, and he'd be damned if the rest of the pack weren't ready to handle it. "Perhaps we can do a sort of...tournament or festivity that revolves around fighting. Put to use what has been learned so far. It would help me gauge the abilities and knowledge of the pack to see who needs more training."

He didn't doubt Frost's ability to fight, but he had never seen the man fight either. And with Torin training to lead, he wanted to make sure his son would be ready in the event someone ever challenged him for that position.


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