
You Come Here Often?

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
05-02-2018, 08:40 PM

Elias watched the man smile, and he couldn't help but return the expression. He really was glad to see Elias after laying in wait all that time. As the woman adjusted her handiwork, he managed to tolerate it, the pain not nearly as bad as it had been. Focusing on Elias' ruby gaze helped to keep the demons at bay. He knew he needed to be in total control for now. Elias had done nothing to protect the foolish beast from harm that he managed to bring upon himself. The least he could do was keep his shit together, especially considering this could very well be his last moments in this life.

Bright yellow orbs followed Elias as he moved to retrieve the skull they managed to obtain together. Crude brute couldn't help but smirk when admiring his handiwork up close and personal. He listened very carefully to Elias as he spoke, not able to look directly into his face, all he could focus on was the blood pooling up inside the skull. So Elias wanted Vale to become a part of his family, and this was the way to do it? Hell, the male didn't hesitate, not once considering the fact that he'd already lost so much blood. He reached for the sacrificial blade, taking a moment to admire Elias' own handiwork, before slicing into his forepaw. He pressed his own paw in the bowl with Elias' and locked eyes with him. He'd made his mark, now he felt it was necessary to confirm this oath aloud. "I will run with you eternally from this day forward, bound to you and to Ruina by blood- not just in this life, but in every life under the strength of our demons. I've made my mark, and I'm ready to join you and become apart of Ruina."

A grin crossed his maw as he felt his lids grew heavier. It was then that he took into consideration the serious blood loss and how this new injury might add to that. Vale wasn't ready for this bonding moment to be over just yet, but he felt it was necessary for him to stay alive and run with Elias for at least a while longer. Something was very different though, it wasn't just the wooziness, he felt truly connected to Elias. They had been through so much in the short time they'd spent together, and Vale had a strong feeling there was much more in store for the pair. Finally, he pulled his paw from the skull and pulled back to his side, allowing the healer plenty of room to do her work. In the meantime, "So, what part of your family is she?" He assumed the younger ones were his children, but this female seemed older. There was something about the way she looked at his friend. Something was going on between the two of them, and one way or another Elias was going to spill it to him. He didn't take Elias for the charming type, so he wanted all the gory details.


Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.