
live & love & don't let go



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-06-2013, 08:06 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2013, 08:06 PM by Epiphron.)

Her husband's soft tones rustled her from the light slumber. She stirred rather easily since he had departed, finding herself missing his strong presence beside her. Epiphron Adravendi had not grown entirely used to living here yet, and Maverick's sudden departure had not helped the matter; but no, she was not bitter. In his absence her mind often played tricks on her, his voice sounding in her dreams. Even the wind that blew into her den reminded her painfully of her husband's flesh against her own. How badly she had desired him before -- and how much more she wanted him now that he was hers, and yet he had gone from her willingly. She was not upset in the least, not was she jealous, but instead she awaited eagerly the day when he would return from to her.

But on this particular night, the soft tones that sounded through their den was anything but a delusion. With a soft whimper she arose, blinking slowly to adjust to the darkness. "Maverick?" She mumbled gently, slowly rising to all fours. Had he really returned so soon? It had been quite a few days, and yet she had expected longer.

Epiphron had never been more eager to see him. Stretching briefly, she proceeded to slide from the entrance of the den. Immediately she rushed forward to embrace Maverick, her head tucking comfortably beneath his own. They fit perfectly, like the pieces of a puzzle, and she sighed. Her voice was sleepy as she spoke up, inhaling his scent as though she had feared she would never experience it again. "How I missed you," she said softly, another barely audible whimper escaping her throat as she pressed firmly against him.