
Tempting My Trouble



6 Years
Extra large

05-03-2018, 07:49 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2018, 07:57 PM by Elias.)

The look on her face as she observed her own wound brought an odd smile to the man's lips. It must have confused her as a healer to have to actually cause her own wound, and the way she seemed fascinated by her own blood.. he could tell this wasn't anything like what she was used to. She was so innocent in his eyes with how she viewed everything, perhaps that was why he was so obsessed with her. She had such a different life, such a different upbringing and her disposition was something, unlike any other woman he had met. She had every reason to be angry at the world after the night Elias had first encountered her, but she wasn't. She was stronger than that.

Elias' inky smile smoothed back out after a moment as he gave her a nod toward his paw, dropping the dagger beside them. He waited for her blood to Christian the ground beneath their paws alongside his, waited for the warm of it to bless his skin. He waited for the demons of his own blood to transmigrate to hers, to claim her and embrace her in everything that they were- that he was- and that Ruina was. She was a part of it now, she was a part of him, and something told Elias she had been before. She was home now.

"You are now a part of Ruina eternally, oathed in blood to our family. You are now blood of our blood, bone of our bone. You give us your spirit, and with us, you will run- in life and in death." His ruby eyes glistened with their brilliant intensity as he watched her, unmoving and unwavering. "Say it with me, Zuriel." He whispered his command in a low rumble.

"I am blood of your blood, bone of your bone. I give you my spirit, and with you, I will run- in life and in death." He rang once more, expecting her words in echo this time- his voice quieter so that he could hear her own precious chimes. "I am blood of your blood, bone of your bone. I give you my spirit, and with you, I will run- in life and in death."

Once they were finished, he lost every bit of self-restraint that he had been holding on to. They were bound now, at the very least by the bond of the pack- but he could not wait two seasons until the time of Amare Tada for their oath of a union. He needed her now. His toes lifted from the dampened soil that they had tainted together and stepped nearer to her, his haunches lifting so that he was no longer seated. His tail fanned out behind him as he came closer to embrace her, his aura radiating with the strength of sin.

His eyes shimmered with gleaming desire, he had become pride and lust incarnate as he looked at her- his heart racing within his chest with an increased tempo. He loved her- he loved everything about her. He loved her heart and how she had forgiven him and made him feel like he was more than just the crimes he had committed. He knew this, but at the moment they were all fleeting thoughts as... just like the night he had first met her.. his demons still wanted to devour her.

He broke his stare from her own, but it was clear that he had no intentions of letting that be the last of their interaction. His paws still wet with the trickle of blood, found themselves next to her own as he stood at her side and leaned his weight against her just slightly. His head lowered, neck reaching out so that he could warmly kiss her own lips with tender lapping before his teeth flashed and he moved to preen at her cheek. He knew she likely wanted to heal her wound, to close it and stop the bleeding- but Elias knew she would not die from one little cut. Something about keeping her just slightly out of her comfort-zone might have been what was thrilling him, but he told himself he was teaching her that she was not as fragile as she might have thought.

He didn't think of it more than that as his teeth found her nape and grazed against her skin. He found the scars that he'd left there underneath the delicate metal of her necklace and froze for a moment, his tongue freeing itself and lavishing those scars with tender affection. He had no intentions of hurting her like he had then, but there was a primal desire overcoming him that made it impossible for him to hesitate from his wishes, not even with the memory of those scars haunting him beneath his teeth.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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