
I love a rainy night



6 Years
05-03-2018, 08:00 PM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2018, 09:02 PM by Derecho.)

She could sense he wasn't at ease, but naturally like her mother would have she just remained calm, gave things time. She would certainly leave if it was requested or she would stay if he continued to talk. She wouldn't force him into being social if he didn't want to be. She was at ease sitting quietly also and would let her mind get occupied with the oncoming storm. Being a loner had taught her to find comfort and peace in the quiet, to not be so desperate for company from others that she would turn into an annoying monster. It helped her to learn to easily let go, especially if another didn't want to give her the time of day. It was how her life was, people come and go and there was no guarantee that they will stick around. This man was no exception, they were still strangers and there was nothing to attach herself to him.

He suddenly spoke up asking if she wanted to go back and she hesitated for the slightest moment. Just as she went to drop her mouth open to speak he continued on, offering to guide her there. Her brows furrowed as she looked at the man, surprised he would offer such a thing. He didn't seem to want to talk, yet he was offering to take her back home. His gaze was averted and she wondering what exactly was going on in his mind. She looked back up to the sky as she pondered over it a minute. To just go back and let them know she was alive and well would be enough, she didn't want to go back to stay. Could she really bug him to take her back with however far it was of a travel. No she couldn't possibly do that, she didn't want to be a pest.

She shook her head and looked back at the ground before her gaze went to him.

"I don't want to trouble you at all. A simple pointing in the right direction would be plenty and greatly appreciated," she replied, her gaze soft and appreciative for the offer.

"Derecho Talk", & 'Derecho Think"