
I Can Do It All By Myself (Jouko)



2 Years
05-03-2018, 10:30 PM
He smiled, blue eyes shining, shrugging lightly, "No problem, I'm inclined to thank you for the opportunity to occupy myself." It got dreadfully boring being alone. He'd managed to create some kind of semi-friendship with Malleus, though it was mostly based around herbs and Jouko's penchant for learning and teaching about non-herbal healing tools. Any chance to hang out with someone and get out of his head was time well spent.

She led the way to begin the search for herbs and Jouko would happily trot after her, scanning the sea of plants around then in case they passed something he might be interested in returning for. Nothing stood out too much, but, that was fine. He sat by while she gathered the dandilion, appreciating how she would carefully harvest the plant. When she introduced herself he remembered his own manners and cheerily replied, "I'm Jouko, nice to meet you." Shaking his head, the man chuckled. Pack life still wasn't appealing to him. Even if he did dislike being on his own, he still didn''t care much for the idea of having others that could tell him what to do. "Oh, no, I'm just doing some wandering lately. Exploring, I suppose. I do a lot of traveling, always have, but sometimes I amuse myself by teaching healing lessons on whatever feels fun on any given day."

He hadn't realized she was struggling, but was happy to join the effort to find her chosen plant. "Absolutely," he assured with a nod, wading through the vegetation and beginning the search. He'd definitely harvested Marigold before, but not from somewhere with this many other plants growing in a great big mess. He circled through the open spaces, eyes open and nose scenting the air for traces of the plant in question. It was only when he turned back towards the bushes that he caught a whiff of it.

Standing still, he lifted his head and glanced towards Kahaia with a grin, "Smell it? I think it's pretty close."