
I Can Do It All By Myself (Jouko)



3 Years
05-04-2018, 07:04 AM

Kahaia was glad to have someone else's company while she hunted for the herbs. She appreciated the help where she could get it, no matter how stubborn she seemed to be. So far, living on her own, she'd come across many helpful people, and hadn't yet met an angry or violent soul. Kahaia was probably one of the luckier ones though, as she knew all too well the evil residing in others. She chuckled when he stated that he was a wanderer, much like herself. She didn't blame him, pack life could be very complicated. That was never the case in her past, as the pack that took her as a pup treated her as one of their own, but she wasn't willing to share that just yet.

He agreed to assist in her search for the marigold and caught a whiff after looking around. Strange, because normally her nose was fairly decent at its job, how had she not picked up on the scent earlier? Kahaia pointed her maw in the same direction he'd claimed the smell was coming from and took it in for herself. It definitely smelled familiar, but how could he be so sure this was marigold? Little flower shrugged, but she'd move forward, careful to step in the open spaces as she didn't want to crush the plants. Delicate paws kept her moving with haste, but she'd slow herself down to make sure she stayed in stride with her new companion.

Little red wolf took in his appearance and couldn't resist the chuckle building up in her throat. "You know you remind me a lot of the healer that was teaching me." Their build was almost exactly the same, and they were both darker colored wolves. She hadn't remembered too much about her mentors, but the one she was referring to in particular took her in, it was hard to forget someone as nice as he was. Kahaia was all too distracted in her thoughts to notice the marigold sitting right before her eyes. She caught a glimpse in her peripheral vision, as she had been watching Jouko, and her ears perked up. Was this really it? The herb looked like it was in decent condition. Decent enough for her to try and mix these herbs to make herself a little goto healing paste. "Would you like to help me gather these and make the paste? I've never really done it before, I'd like to do it right the first time around though."
