
Let It Unfold Out [Pack Meeting]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
05-05-2018, 08:51 AM
ooc:  Thanks for your patience everyone! Due date for posts is May 11

Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Lowering his head, Ashiel gazed out at the beating vibrancy of the canyon walls. Everything seemed to be coming to life after the spring rain. Of course, he'd need to plan for the future with summer around the corner. When the dry season came it would be relentless and the river that cut through the canyon would eventually whither to a trickling stream. There was so much whirling around his head he barely knew where to start.

Ashiel found a grin upon his face as Razi arrived. She'd been a boon to him as he navigated the ways of leadership. He still struggled with insecurity but each day he was growing more into his roll. Come the turn of the season he was at last be a full adult. "Well enough Razi, I hope the same goes for you." Razi was followed by Zinnia who greeted them with a cheerful hello. "Good morning, Zinnia, I hope your settling in well." He was very pleased to see one of the Empire's mortal members so prompt.

Czernobog would arrive and Ashiel would greet him with a nod of acknowledgement as the man moved to speak with Zinnia. He caught snippets of the hunters talking and he was pleased to see the man taking the initiative. Czern was followed by Typhon whom Ashiel greeted in a similar manner and then lastly by Aranea. Or, almost lastly. His mother sauntered in and he greeted her with a nod.  Well, that was good he supposed. He didn't really want to have to lecture Pyralis about the merits of attendance. She came up to him and spoke but he didn't let her words phase him. "She's pledged a life debt to Asharya. I would like to at least speak with my sister about this." His mother gave him a doubtful look and he knew what she was thinking. What made him thinking Asharya was going to be coming back? "Besides, she's willing to learn and right now I think I favor humility over brash arrogance. We are descendants of the fallen god, no? Surely we can take her and make her into something greater. Think of this as a little experiment if you will. And if it fails…" Well, he didn't really need to finish the thought. Begrudgingly his mother would take her seat.

Ashiel continued to wait but it seemed this would be it. He frowned a little, making note to talk to the missing members when he had the time. Standing tall and proud he addressed the group. "Thank you all for coming on this beautiful spring morning. I have a three matters to discuss with all of you. First is I want to caution you all around the river that runs through the canyon, especially when it begins to rain. Floods are to be expected, as are mudslides so please be careful."

"Second, I'm considering expanding the pack into a nearby territory. This doesn't necessarily need to be now, I know we're still a bit small but I do plan to eventually. I have narrowed the decision down to two territories, the Wraith's Woods and the Cedar Falls. The Wraith's Woods lies at the only opening to the canyon floor and would be a strategic decision, enabling us to guard the canyon more effectively. However, it is eerie and there are many tales of spirits that circulate about it. Personally I haven't run across any. The stories may ward off potential trespassers. The Cedar Falls lie to the north of here. It is a bit of a climb to reach them directly but I have picked out a few potential paths. The Falls are a rich resource of water which will be useful in the coming heat of summer. There is also an abundant source of prey but also of predators. Bears seem to frequent the area. Does anyone have any opinion on the land they feel we should expand into?"

"Third, I know some of you are aware of the religion of my family and I. I'm willing to instruct those interested in learning of our beliefs, rituals, and traditions. Is there any interest in this? If so I will arrange for the first lesson. Does anyone else have any business they wish to share with the group?"


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.