
The Nosy Explorer


05-05-2018, 01:45 PM

He couldn't smell any food on the man and that was an immediate disappointment. The titan of a pup flopped his weight back on his bum and looked up to Branch with glistening eyes of ink. His fur was wild, unkempt and still slightly pressed from his sleep with moldy hay sticking out from every stray tuft. Also, he was kind of stinky.

The wild boy watched Branch with curious eyes, his nose lifting to sniff at his muzzle as his last hope for maybe there being any signs of food on him. Nope. Oh well. Wyrm couldn't expect people to deliver meals for him forever- but honestly, the idea of where those meals even came from never occurred to him. He did know, however, he would have to find out soon. His belly released a growl as if audibly agreeing.

"Yeah, it's okay." He was already bored with the apology, so his words were rushed and dismissive. "What are you doing here, Branchwreckage? And why is your name so loonnngg?" A little jealousy shone through here, though he didn't want to admit it. Wyrm had yet to be named, and had absolutely no idea about last names- so Branch's whole name was said as one fast conjoined word.