
Rite of Rebirth



5 Years
05-05-2018, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2018, 03:03 PM by Olya.)

life is short, enjoy it while you're young

First came her student, Divo. All long legs and pale effervescence. Since her accident, the child had been distant, worrisome. Her usual spunk seemed to have returned, when she tossed out a quip about her teacher's height. The shaman rolled her eyes, a smile creasing their corners. At the comment about the rest of the trio being absent, the burly woman hummed wordlessly. There was still time, she trusted that the children would show themselves soon enough.

And show themselves they did. Young Dominika arrived next, looking for all the world like she was trying to disappear into thin air. Thick, ropy scars trailed across her ebony stained features. A soft gasp was drawn from deep within her chest, auds flattening against her skull for a moment. "Дом, дорогой ребенок, который сделал это с тобой?" She demanded, rising to her feet to close the distance between herself and the child. Her eyes appeared to be intact, and functioning. Both pupils were the same size, and focused. "Почему ты не позвонил мне? Я бы был там в одно мгновение - так же, как и для Диво. Дорогой, ты был здоров? Вы выглядите так, словно духи заявили о себе." Worry tumbled from her jaws in a rampant spill of frantic words.

Darya emerged with a shudder of the undergrowth, just as downtrodden as Dom had been. For a horrific moment, the shaman worried that she had been completely unaware of a plague upon this family. Too focused on her tutelage and passing on the ways of the gods. She had failed these children. Widened eyes of dancing flames drank in the scarred visage of the smallest sibling, and Darya was in motion. Engulfing the smaller girl in a crushing embrace, burrowing her features into the thick fur of her ruff. A soft demand fell from her lips, muffled by her sister's pale coat. Unmistakable, however.

Only somewhat shaken, the woman sucked in a deep breath. Great creators, she felt as though she were drowning. "Дети," She began in wavering tones, deep voice softened by strain. "Я собрал вас всех сегодня, чтобы начать ваши обряды Возрождения, чувствуете ли вы, что готовы принять то, что от вас требуется в этот день?" She was hesitant. It appeared that time apart had been disastrous for these children. Perhaps she should postpone the rite. No, winter was too close. Most prey would become scarce in the area, and the longer they went without going through the rite, the more dangerous it was.

"Позвольте мне изложить правила для вас, и если вы все не чувствуете, что готовы, мы можем отложить." She began, seating herself in her previous place. Before them all, she felt tiny. Gods above, who had allowed those two to breed? These children were titans. With a pause for breath, she continued. "Сегодня вы все выйдете. По своему усмотрению вы будете охотиться за своей душой. Каждый из вас отправится, и боги будут решать дизайн вашей следующей жизни. Вы столкнетесь с существом, существование которого резонирует внутри вас, и ваша задача - убить его. Быстро и с почтением к существо, которое боги возложили на эту землю, чтобы стать следующим сосудом для вашей души. Как только вы его приобретете, вы соберетесь здесь. Я свяжу каждую твою душу с сосудом, частью его тела. Тогда ваши родители будут вызваны, чтобы мы могли радоваться вашему завершению вашей ассимиляции в клан!" She now looked to each child, awaiting their decision.
