
When The Bell Tolls



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-05-2018, 10:42 PM

He had been sitting out here alone for quite some time. Thinking about Paradox and her pups. He knew she didn't want to keep them. He knew she wanted to get rid of them by whatever means necessary. The unnamed children, however, deserved better than to just be thrown in a river or something. Whenever he asked her about them, she never really gave a clear answer. She was unhappy, and it was plain as day. She didn't play with them, didn't really feed them, or do anything a normal mother should. No, he was always bringing them food and making sure they were well looked after. And he knew it would be up to him to give them a better life. Or at least, lead them to where they would be better off.

He scented his sister before she even came to sit beside him. But he said nothing for a long while, and neither did she. It wasn't until the silence felt so thick that he finally spoke, "It's time, isn't it?" He would ask without looking at her. He needed to know her plans with them. If she was going to throw them to the sharks or just abandon them and let nature take its course. Whatever the case, he would do his best to save them. Part of him wondered why he was so concerned...had it been in years past, he wouldn't have cared. But now? These kids were a part of him. They were all he had left asides from his sister. Forsaken was gone, Ganta was dead...there were his other niece and nephew from Ganta, but he didn't know much about them to just barge into their lives. These kids though, he spent every day with them. And he cared about them.

"Listen to me talk," and know my thoughts.'


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