
Morning romp amongst the grass


07-06-2013, 09:57 PM
Sol noticed that he was quite unsure about stepping out into the open. She could understand it certainly, but something about him just made her think that he'd suffered a lot. That would explain his distrust of her...or it could be the fact that he'd just met her. Hmm...the second reason seemed more plausible to her slightly strange mind as she sat down and waited with a patient smile on her maw. As he studied her, she did the same to him, noting the scar on his face.
"It must have hurt a bit...the scar." She stated gently, not quite sure if he would snap at her or what. Sollei had said it purely to give them both something different to think about, other than the slight tension in the air.

She almost sighed in relief when he stepped into the clearing with her, his body language telling her that he was still very wary.
"My name is Squall...Squall Leonhart. I am not from these lands...I'm sure that's obvious." Her eyes widened a little as he said his second name, she hadn't ever been given one...hadn't been on the cards for her at birth apparently.
"I'm just second bit to my name. It's totally cool that you have a second name though! I'm...well, I'm not from around here either. So what does that make wolves like us?" She consciously stopped herself from barraging him with words and tilted her head to the side, golden yellow eyes regarding him with respect. His pelt and stature was impressive, he took care of himself and that was a good thing. She wanted friends that wouldn't faint because of lack of food if they played. She had once had a habit of playing tag with other wolves before well...before an incident happened. Anyhow, she already thought he'd be a very trustworthy friend. How she knew...well...that she didn't know. Now isn't that strange?