
Persona get!



4 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
05-06-2018, 04:02 AM
Tongue lolled from his mouth as he followed his sister. Where was she going? What was she up to? Had she found a new friend? Was there someone new to play with? Wait...did she ever even play!? He paused his tracking for a moment as he thought about it. His sister never really played with him and his brother, so why would she play with someone else? The thought bugged him, if that's what she was going to do well then he was gonna be there too! He wanted someone new to play with, it was only fair, right? Right!?

He followed her scent further away from the barn where they were supposed to stay at, but he almost didn't notice. Over here, it smelled less like chickens and more like...wait, what was that?! His tail beat the air, curiosity drawing him in. He didn't know what that scent was, but whatever it was, it was new! He tracked in circles, nose to the ground but he didn't know which way the scent came from exactly, so instead he continued tracking his sister until she stopped somewhere up ahead. Crouching low to the ground, he aimed to creep up on her. He wasn't the best creeper though. His front half was lowered, the boy using his forelegs to crawl while his rump was in the air, tail wagging. He had never really gotten the hang of keeping everything low to the ground, or maybe his butt just didn't like to cooperate. Whatever!

As he drew closer, he lifted his head to peek over the grasses, and lo and behold there she was! Wiggling his butt, he burst from his sad little hiding spot and straight towards her. Once within range, he leapt towards her and came to land a few feet past her, tongue hanging out and tail wagging a mile a minute. "Hey sis! Watcha doin' out here!?"

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!