
AHH...Stahhp. I coulda dropped mah croissant



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
05-06-2018, 05:15 PM
Lately, especially with the arrival of autumn - had another year really gone by already, so quickly? - Kai was beginning to feel significantly more restless. It'd been a long while since he'd really been surrounded by kindred spirits, and despite his independent spirit, the loneliness was beginning to gnaw at his insides. Sure, he'd met a few interesting wolves lately, but the lack of slight consistency in his life was unsettling - not that he wanted to really settle down or do anything equally as drastic. Kai wasn't honestly sure what he wanted, but something different sounded wildly appealing. He just wasn't sure what that entailed...

The darkness that settled over Boreas seemed to soothe his soul, and after spending a good portion of the night resting he decided to head back across Fenrir's Maw. The journey was one he had made enough times that he wasn't wary about traveling over the uneven terrain, even at night, and he moved with ease - his steps illuminated only by the pale moonlight. He traveled on for quite some time before he heard the sound of someone in the distance. The sound of crying wasn't exactly something all that familiar to him, and he frowned slightly as his steady pace slowed. Curious, though, he couldn't help but head toward the source of the sound. While ultimately Kai was mostly a beast who was self-interested, the sound of someone in pain wasn't exactly something he enjoyed, and just leaving them the way their were didn't settle well with him.

He rounded the mountainside to face a dark cavern, and Kai sniffed gingerly at the air. A stranger had gone this way, perhaps the one that had been crying?, and the scent was distinctly female. The oversized wolf cleared his throat as he peered into the cavern, finally spotting the silhouette of someone inside as he took a few steps inside. "Erm - excuse me?" Kai called out, brows furrowing - uncertain exactly how to handle this situation. "You alright in there?"