
What Hurts The Most


5 Years
Athena I
07-06-2013, 11:30 PM

The pure joy that covered Gael's face was more than enough to make her staying worth it. It was all she needed to be happy for a lifetime. She laughed and enjoyed all of the licks and affections he gave her cheeks, her tail going crazy along with his. She wanted him to be that happy for the rest of his life and she was going to do everything in her power to make that happen. She returned all his kisses to his cheeks, the both of them crazy with happiness. She dissolved into laughter, flopping her head onto his shoulder and just laughing out the bubbling joy that he had infected her with. She sighed happily and nuzzled him as her laughed quieted into soft chuckles. "You being so happy is so infectious! I can't help myself!" she exclaimed, affectionately licking his muzzle. If even half of her evenings were this happy, she knew she had made the right choice giving their relationship a chance.

She smiled and rested her head comfortably against him again, looking out the entrance of the den, seeing the stars sparkling in the sky now that the sun had set and the rain clouds had moved on their way. She let herself relax against him and just enjoyed the beautiful night, the first night that she got to spend with her man. Her Gael. Just that thought was enough to make her tail wag against the ground again. The longer she laid there with him the more she could feel sleep creeping up on her. She yawned and nuzzled him again, her eyes starting to droop. "I think it's time to go to sleep..." she said softly, her words dissolving into another yawn. She gave his cheek another lick before she curled up so that her body made a circle, making her look like a ball of gray and tan fur. She glanced up at him with sleepy eyes, giving him a smile and hoping that he would join her.
