
Take a Chill Pill, Dude!

Terra I


2 Years
05-07-2018, 11:16 AM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2018, 11:17 AM by Terra I.)

Terra hadn't even noticed the man's arrival, too focused on her own laps. The warmth just too tempting to resist, the woman wasn't on guard. Hell, this wasn't pack territory, so why would she need to worry about an intruder? No, the girl was completely relaxed, letting her muscles stretch and enjoying her personal time. Although she hadn't heard the man approach, she felt his stare. Something wasn't right, there was someone invading on her personal time and she could sense him. Lids flew open to see him, crouched and observing her. Still, that cool attitude about her never faltered, and the girl lifted herself from the pool with ease. A chuckle escaped her as he spoke of the waters being poisonous as if she was supposed to be scared. "Fabulae! Nonsense, they're only poisonous to those foolish enough to ingest it."

Her thick coat had only become heavier now that she was drenched, she inched farther from the brute only to shake the excess water from her coat. Still, a few droplets might have come his way, but she made her intentions of keeping the water away from him clear. This man obviously had some kind of superstitions about the water here. No need to put the man on edge, as he already seemed pretty on edge as it was. His stance alone gave a lot away, he looked like he was ready for a fight. Terra still couldn't comprehend why everyone seemed so wary around strangers. Whisp of cream and brown would not give up that cool demeanor so easily, instead deciding to have a friendlier approach. Golden orbs flicked to the man as the woman took in his appearance. Focusing on the scars, she realized this man was quite the warrior. It piqued her curiosity, was he a part of a pack that taught him to be like this?

His scent was tainted with the smell of others, enough for her to assume he was in fact from a pack. Adding that to his dominant aura, she could only conclude that he was a man of power as well. The way he held himself made it clear he wasn't one for simple conversation, but that wouldn't keep the female from trying anyway. Smirk pulled at the corners of her lips as she spoke next, "Salve, advena. I am Terra, and you are?" She still hadn't taken a seat, as Terra wasn't going to be that naive about the situation. However, she never managed to put too much distance between them if there was going to be a fight. There were about five feet of space between them at this point, and Terra surely wasn't standing as though she was ready to fight. Her tail swaying slightly, ears perked, in fact, the girl gave off the impression that she was truly interested in meeting this person. The question was, would he be as friendly towards her?


Terra is fluent in Latin.